廣美及創作設計公司提供平面設計、書刊設計、書刊印刷、小冊子設計,商標設計、廣告設計、公司形象設計,我們客戶除了香港外,logo設計、更有國內及外國客戶 |

廣美創作及設計公司成立於2004年,提供小冊子設計、書刊設計(年報、季刊、期刊、工作報告)、商標設計、品牌設計等平面設計及印刷服務。著重顏色,字體,構圖等互相配合,到完稿選紙及印刷管理。2009年更開始與各非牟利機構及文化團體合作,提供不同設計優惠及技術支援。 此外繼續保持優質商業設計服務、開創品牌設計及開發大中華市場,能做到「用作品去說話,讓創意去表達」,歡迎電郵 ( design@kmidea.com ) 或 電話 ( 3579 5797 ) 查詢。
Kwong Mei Design Company was established in 2004 and provides graphic design and printing services for brochure design, book design (annual, quarterly, periodical, work report), LOGO design, and brand design. Focus on colors, fonts, composition, etc. to match each other, to the final selection paper and print management. In 2009, it began to cooperate with non-profit making organizations and cultural organizations to provide different design benefits and technical support. In addition, we will continue to maintain high-quality commercial design services, create brand designs, and develop the Greater China market, so that we can “speak with works and express ideas”. E-mail (design@kmidea.com) or telephone (3579 5797) are welcome. |
Rm1104, Crawford House, 70 Queen's Road Central, Central, H.K. |
Tel : (852) 3579 5797 |
Fax: (852) 3020 6589 |
E-mail : design@kmidea.com |
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